Syri i Kalter ( The Blue Eye )

9704 Sarande-Delvine, Albania
18000 qm PropertyAccessible

Reaching unknown depths, this blue hole in Albania’s Delvinë District is fed by an underground spring. Tourists travel from miles around for a glimpse of its natural beauty. Its name means “Blue Eye,” and it is mesmerizing to gaze into its portal.

This spring is unique for its appearance as a deep sapphire blue “hole” beneath the surface of more tranquil turquoise water — a color scheme typically only observed in saltwater springs. Divers have made it down 50 meters into the water, but its true depth has yet to be revealed.

Availability: Medium-term (1 week lead time)
Utility connections: Three-phase, Normal power, Water
Smoking allowed?: Yes
Please contact Tirana Film Office
In the case of public locations, contact the competent authority

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