Dhermi ( Village )

9422 Dhermi-Vlore, Albania
32000 qm Property13000 qm Living spaceAccessibleRestroom

Dhërmi is a village in Vlorë County, Albania. It is part of the municipality of Himarë. The village lies 42 kilometers south of the city of Vlorë and about the same distance north of the southern city of Sarandë.

Facades: Wooden, Clinker brick, Stucco work, ornamented
Epoch: 20s (1918 – 1933) - Classical Modernism, Expressionism
Build status: Old building
Ceiling height: Normal (2,40-2,80m)
Availability: Short-term (1-2 days lead time)
Utility connections: Three-phase, Normal power, Water, Gas, Phone
Smoking allowed?: Yes
Please contact Tirana Film Office
In the case of public locations, contact the competent authority

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